Tuesday, July 28, 2009


img source:http://nicole0525.deviantart.com/art/Lone-rose-4619493

The flowers dance with the breeze,
I touch one gently, it falls down.
The little flower still lives on,
Braves the wind and learns to move on.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Estrella Alfon's Servant Girl

Estrella Alfon's "Servant Girl" speaks about a girl named Rosa who serves for a mistress. It was there where she experienced different trials and experiences that showed how her life as a servant is.

This story showed how a servant faces the challenges in each day that pass - teasing of other people, maltreatment of their bosses, and seeing them as low people. Estrella Alfon also used an image in her story which was portrayed by Angel, or later we known as Pedro, the cochero who helped Rosa in her injury and also in her duty. This image of Angel was the only thing that traveled along Rosa's mind that she felt that this Angel was there even if he was not. She thinks that this Angel will always be there to help her in times of troubles. What Rosa discovered in the end is that this Angel of hers who she thought of as an ideal person was not the way it was. It was also this Angel who returned her back to the place she does not want to go anymore which is the mistress' house.

The story of the Servant Girl is a good story that shows reality on its own simple ways.

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